1. Pray
Pray today for your family, your friends, loved ones. Pray for those you do not know, or may never meet. Pray for peace in war torn countries, pray for the end of violence. Pray for life to be celebrated, kept sacred, and honored. Pray for the sick, ailing, the forgotten. Pray for those who have departed this life, that they may find Glory in the next. Pray for people you do not care for, whom you don't feel you could share a cup of coffee with, pray for them too. Everybody needs prayers.2. Donate
What's the greatest nation? Donation! Even my boys know that when I say it. Donate something you haven't used in a long while that may help out someone in need. Donate your time, volunteer if you can, even if it's on your lunch break. Give a coffee to homeless person on the street, bring them a jacket or a blanket, maybe a new pair of shoes. Or give them the 4 dollars you have on hand, and pray that it brings them nourishment and comfort. Go online to your favorite organization and be charitable, donation is good for the heart.3. Help some one out
Hold the door for somebody coming in behind you, or leaving in front of you. Oh wait, this falls under common courtesy, but the practice seems to be falling by the wayside. See someone struggling to push their grocery cart, because there are two screaming kids, ask if you can help them out. Or let some one go in front of you, reach for a can they cannot reach, etc. Today we do not like to ask people if we can help them out, nor do we accept the kindness of a stranger, but all it takes is a little effort.4. Phone a friend
Been ages since you talked to Susie? No worries, she's still a person, she's still the friend you once knew, it's just been a few months...errr....years. Give her/him a call. See how they are doing. Don't just send a Facebook chat message (because not all of us have it downloaded and no we are not doing it). Pick up the phone and call. Doesn't answer, no worries, leave a voice mail. You can call anyone and just see how they are doing, they may be shocked!5. Write a letter
What's a letter? That's what these younger kids are saying, along with who does that. Oh must just be the old people! Nope, letters are awesome. I miss letters. I still write them from time to time, and I send cards frequently. It is always nice to have a letter, handwritten, typed, whatever your preference is. It shows people you took the time out of your day to sit down and write just to them. Sure, sure you could write an email, and it could send instantly, and it could bring a smile, but nothing like when you receive a letter in the mail.6. Give forgiveness
It is never too late (or too early) to give forgiveness. I know, some times it is hard, some times it is unappreciated, but do not worry over that. Just do it! Forgiveness not only helps you, it helps them. You do not even need to tell the person, you do not need to shout it out on social media, you just need to pull deep down into your heart and forgive.7. Listen
Did you hear that? Listen, just listen. Do not listen with the intent of speaking back or answering. Just open your ears, your heart, your mind, and listen to what some one has to say. Seems like common sense, but it's actually hard to do. We want to be heard so often now, that we forget to listen so others can be heard. If your mom calls today (one be thankful, because not everyone gets that privilege anymore), listen to what she rants on about, just to let her be heard.8. Don't pass it up, pick it up
Yep, you can probably go out into your neighborhood and pick up some trash. Put some gloves on first, but you can do it. We all live on the same planet, and we should be kind to it too. Not just trash it like we have somewhere else to go!9. Smile
A smile goes a long way! A smile can be contagious too! A smile and a simple greeting could change someone's day, or even their mood. I smile at people, some times it surprises them, often they smile back or provide a greeting. There are times when you get ignored, but not to worry, they just need a prayer. So go out today and show your pearly whites with a big grin, yes people may think you're a wee bit looney, but aren't we all :DSo these are just some ways I've thought of that we could be kind during World Kindness Day. Please let me know of any others you come up with, or acts you do for your part! Peace be with you.
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