When I say ring size, I do not mean the size band needed to fit on your pretty little finger. No, I mean size as in bling, big diamonds, enough to blind someone who is catching a glance. It seems a lot of people are in a want state of mind, they want nice cars, big homes, fancy rings, and so on. What is it though that really matters about the ring? Through time slogans like "diamonds are a girls best friend" have appeared for excellent marketing schemes, but shouldn't your husband be your best friend? What if he cannot afford a 2 carat ring with all the side stones, does that mean he is less of a man? No, conceivably he is still the same man you were with yesterday. There are countless ads on TV for jewelers selling the most beautiful ring, heck there are even apps and websites where you, your boyfriend, mother, father, sister, best friend, cousin, neighbor, can all go and give your two cents on what the ring should look like. What if he proposed with just a gold or silver band? Would that not be enough? Would you love him any less? Would you think any less of him? Ladies, rings are nice, they are beautiful, and they can be loved, but they are just things. They are things made by someone else, bought and sold for consumers, not much more. The real love, devotion, commitment comes from the marriage. It comes from the good days and the bad, the great ones celebrated in memories time and again, and the days filled with grief. A marriage is a bond put together by God, made between you and him. Not made between the doors of a warehouse mass producing gold bands with diamond settings. I am not saying you cannot have a beautiful ring and a beautiful relationship, because I do. I have a husband who loves me, and after 5 years of marriage, I was blessed to have a beautiful ring to wear on my finger. It just comes with age that you learn the rings, the houses, the cars, the luxuries in life do not define who you are, they do not define your marriage. It is defined by the friendship, love, bond, commitment we have for each other...sealed in the presence of God.
"So then, what God has united, human beings must not divide." Mark 10:9
A ring will always be just a ring. If ever lost, your marriage would not cease, the love would not die. It is a possession, but the real love is found in the relationship.
Ladies, remember this blessing...it is the love...not the rings that will make your marriage.
Peace be with you.
May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace.
May your troubles grow few as your blessings increase.
May the saddest day of your future
Be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
May your hands be forever clasped in friendship
And your hearts joined forever in love.
Your lives are very special,
God has touched you in many ways.
May his blessings rest upon you
And fill all your coming days.
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