Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Do you know your purpose?

Have you ever thought about your purpose? Why you are even here? Why you are the person you are and not somebody else? What is the purpose of life? All great questions, all worth considering or reflecting on from time to time. I have a purpose, I know I have a purpose, though I may not always understand what that purpose is exactly, I know I have a purpose. Where can you find your purpose? For me I have found my purpose in God. From God I can I find purpose in many other things in my life, like my husband, my sons, my family and friends, my community. God gave me a voice that I try to use in His glory for others who cannot speak. If you are a non-believer then where does your purpose come from? Does it stem from society? From what others want or think? From within? These are real questions that people should ask themselves.  Maybe you don't have a purpose or instead you just have a dream. What is that dream, where did it come from? What happens if you do not fulfill your dream? Do you begin to feel let down? Dreams come and go, they change, but you know what doesn't change?? That's right, God doesn't change.

In my life, I was not always walking down the path I am now. Nope, it's true, I'm a sinner. I've been a failure, I've been hurtful, I've been disliked and even hated (yikes, hard to admit), I've been unfriended (whoa), and I've always just tried to be me. In my life before, I wouldn't say I was just a wanderer, but I don't know where I thought I was going. I had goals and dreams, but those changed from day to day or year to year, and there was no real fulfillment in my life. I was a pretty heavy drinker for many years, but you know what, there were never any answers in any of those bottles. Life never got better after a night of drinking, it just stayed the same. But it all brought me to where I am now, and with those experiences, to the find my purpose in life.

If we aren't living a life for the greater good or for the Glory, then who are we living it for? What is it we really value? In today's society it seems more and more emphasis is being placed on bigger, better, faster material items. People wait outside for hours for a new phone, but they cannot be bothered to help others an hour a week serving meals at a homeless shelter or donating their time to another good cause. People are more apt to watch videos online and judge others than to pray about their own shortcomings. "Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you. Why do you notice the splinter  in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye?" Matthew 7: 1-4.

We need to each know our purpose. We need to help each other out, and we need to see the greater good in society. For if you do not know what your purpose is in this life, how will you know what your purpose is in the next? One way to help you find your purpose is through prayer. Not sure how to do it, no worries, there is no training. It's just a conversation between you and God. Don't give up if you feel nobody is talking back right away, you just have to keep trying. Answers will come. Remember, they may not always be the answers you are looking for right away, but they will come. Let go, and let God. Peace be with you. 

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