Thursday, November 6, 2014

I am Pro-lifewomanmanperson

Hello, my name is Charity and I am a Pro-lifewomanmanperson. Yep, that's me! Wait a minute, people don't think you can be all those things, but oh you can. I used to subscribe to the idea of relativism, "it's not for me, but if he/she/they/it does it, well then I guess it's okay". Guess what, it's not okay. Society has all these commercials and videos to save the doggies, kitties, pandas, whales, polar bears, and whatever else, but how many commercials do we see saying "Save the baby humans"???????  I have yet to see one. Oh no, that's too controversial. Oh no, that violates my right to do what I want when I want where I want. I I I I I....a lot of Is going around these days.

I am Pro-Life

Not too long ago, a few years back, I didn't even know what abortion was. Yep, hadn't a clue. I had once (in what seems like the dark ages), heard somebody say somebody had gotten one. And I remember thinking what was it they got? Were they sick? Maybe I lived under a rock, I don't really know. I do not ever remember the topic coming up over Sunday dinner at my grandmother's house. I do not actively remember it being on the evening news either, but that's just me. So when I was in my mid-twenties and my husband mentioned to me late-term abortions, I was like a deer in headlights. What do you mean people do that? What do you mean people support that? For myself, I went to good ole Google and did a search. It was not a pretty sight, it was not something easily forgotten. The images still haunt me and make me want to cry. The relativism needs to stop. Have you seen the video of the baby moving away from the needle being put in by the abortion doctor? No, too hard to watch? It is very hard to watch, makes your stomach turn. But there are so many people out there who have no problem with it. However, if you throw a puppy into an icy river, the video goes viral, people want your head, they want you burned at the stake! Why is that? I haven't come up with any answer except people do not want to really acknowledge what happens in an abortion. Today society teaches that babies are burdens. They are bothersome, costly, they ruin your life, they take away your dreams, they are the destroyers of all that is good. What? Since when has something so cute and precious, a gift from God been a destroyer? It is us, we are the destroyers. We are they ones saying "you can't" or "you won't" or "kiss that life good bye". We are the teachers of these ideals, not the babies. Will life be hard, yes; will life change, yes; will there be times where you cry, yes; but there is no greater gift than the gift of life. Can't provide that precious gift of life a good quality life right now? No worries, there is this beautiful program called adoption. Adoption lets you work with an agency to place your child in a home that will care and nurture them until they are an adult. Oh no Charity, that would be too painful. Not as painful as a doctor ripping your arms and legs off one by one out of your mother's womb, not even close.

I am Pro-Woman

Silly girl, you aren't pro-woman if you do not support a woman's right to choose. NO, I am pro-woman because I choose to support women. I support them in finding resources necessary, I support them in finding medical care, adoption services (if necessary), counseling, financial support, or just a shoulder to lean on. Yes, I am pro-woman. I would like to see more women taught information about their cycles, ovulation, and physical changes they go through each month. Wait a minute, what do you mean? We can learn this information? Why yes, yes you can. There are many resources available either in print or on the web regarding a woman's fertility. Shhhhh people don't like to talk about this stuff. How could I speak to my husband/boyfriend/significant other about "that time of the month"?  They don't want to know or hear about it...well then I suggest you tell them to put their big boy pants on and pull up a seat. <Insert gasp and shocked face> There would definitely be the people who would never want to have that discussion. I do not know why they wouldn't, we are talking about one of the most beautiful and intimate parts of a woman's body. Not talking about what is just displayed on the TV as "sexy" or "beautiful". This really is the feminine genius people!

Learn about your fertility here:  or here:

People like to argue well what about rape, what if she is raped and then subsequently gets pregnant. Which I am not denying could happen given the time of ovulation, however, regardless we still need to be pro-woman in this type of situation. I am not going to sit back and judge a woman who was sexually assaulted for what she feels best to do, but I will pray for her healing. One thought I have on this very touchy subject, is a subsequent, painful abortion, will not ever put the woman back together. There is no amount of surgery that will replace what has been taken. As a community all we can do is offer support.

Find support here for after rape/sexual assault:

I am Pro-Man

Play screeching sound....what???? What is pro-man? Two people create a life, a man and a woman. Does not matter what you change in science to make that different sperm from a man and an egg from a woman will combine to make another human being. Yep, right that down, because there seems to be some confusion on that now a days. Men are the other half of the creator during conception. Shocking to think they should have a say so in the newly created life. Oh no, I'm being silly again. Why should me know what has happened? This is their body, they don't have to carry the baby...oh I'll just tell them later, they won't care. WRONG. They do care! They do feel the pain of an abortion, they do grieve. Do you think they suffer any less? No, I certainly don't. They will never feel the baby from the inside like women do, but that does not mean they are any less a creator of life. They too deserve a choice.  Now don't get all in a huff regarding a person who was sexually assaulted by a man, and then why should they get a choice, I am not saying that. I think people (yes, woman can be perpetrators too) should all be punished at the full extent of the law, and no I quite frankly am not concerned with their wanting to see the child, but that is beyond my scope, this is just my opinion on being pro-man in a the dealings of a newly created child.

Support for men after abortion here:  or here:

I am Pro-Person

Yep, I am pro-person with disabilities or without disabilities. I am pro you should give life a chance because sometimes doctors are wrong. I believe in science, I believe it can be a great tool for helping people, but I also believe it can be wrong. Science cannot prove everything, that is why we have Faith. Faith and science can work together, did you know that? What science can't prove, faith often times can! Just because we are not all "perfect" we are not a "defect". Show me one person who is without flaw...where are they? God created us all to be different, all to be with a different person. How boring would life be if we were all just cookie cutouts of each other? No variety, nobody else to help out, or hope for, or pray for? We all just lived exactly to be 80 years old, no frills, nothing, just normal, perfect, people. That would be a crazy parallel of life now! We would lack creativity, ingenuity, challenges, grace, thankfulness; they would all be gone.

Information for adoption can be found here:
Parent support for children with disabilities can be found here:

Stop the relativism and start speaking up with those without a voice. Protect life. Defend life. We should all have a right to life. Peace be with you. 

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