Tuesday, November 4, 2014

So tell me, do you vote?

Today's the day for voting! All across the country people will cast their votes for mid-term elections. There has been lots of hype regarding this election, including many hypothetical situations on what will happen. Where there be change? Will the people's voice be heard? Who will control the Senate?!? So much lies on what happens today, or does it? I for one have already exercised my right to vote, and I did it early, which is allowed here in my state. The day I voted one of the polling clerks excitedly stated there had been over 500 voters the previous day, and 300 on that day (this was 1pm). The real question in my mind is "will anything ever change?".  We go to vote with high hopes that our vote will change the current state of our elected officials, that maybe our voices will be heard and government will be "for the people". That's what it's supposed to be, right? In the Preamble it says "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish the Constitution for the United States of America." In my opinion that means that WE all should be out there today voting, if you haven't already casted your vote, or in order to be an active part of our nation's decision making.

If you are voting, the next question is, what are you voting for? Have you taken a good hard look at what is important not only for yourself, but your family, friends, community, nation? Have you researched your elected officials running for office to see how they vote? How they have impacted the community? How they will respond to handle business within the US?

Did you know that in 1920, just a couple years before my grandmother was born, women had gained the right to vote? That's not so long ago. After years of being told we could not vote, women finally could cast their vote, so go ahead cast your vote, have your voice heard. It saddens me today that when younger generations have been asked about women's suffrage, they say how terrible it is, they do not even know what terrible means. Education is the key to defeating ignorance.

I will not tell you who you should vote for, or what side of any issue you should stand on, because that is not my business. I will continue to stand by and fight for what I believe is important, what fundamental rights I believe should be given, but it is not my business to ask you for whom you've casted your vote. I just ask that you take this right, which is not granted in every country, and you go out today and vote!

Here is the link to information about Women's Suffrage, just in case you want to share knowledge:

Have a great day! Peace be with you.


  1. Whoops, I tried to comment and it didn't post.
    Love this!!! I hope everyone goes out & votes today! I have a couple of friends that are around my age that have never voted & aren't registered! Isn't that insane?!?!

  2. I agree, terrible to not exercise your right to vote! Maybe one day something will happen that will trigger them to want their voice heard!
