Sunday, November 30, 2014

Finding strength

Often times we are all faced with adversity, whether we like it or not. We have no choice, and little can be changed to really stop the heartache, struggle, or sadness. It's what we do with those feelings that changes how we will move on. We can choose to wallow in sadness and anger, we can choose to lock ourselves up and speak to no one, or we can choose to face the day. If you have never looked into the lives of any Saints, then you wouldn't really know they too are just ordinary people. They never asked for greatness or gratitude for their life works, no they did it out of love for our Lord Jesus Christ. They didn't want the fame and notoriety, or their names to be recited over and over, no they wanted it to be known that all they did came with help from above. We too are ordinary people, we too struggle, maybe not as greatly as some of them have, or heroically, but we have the same choice to live our lives just as God has given us. With the ups and downs, with the highs and lows, we have to keep moving on. The Catholic Company has this beautiful once a day email called "Morning Offering", in it today I received words of wisdom:

"We know certainly that our God calls us to a holy life. We know that he gives us every grace, every abundant grace; and though we are so weak of ourselves, this grace is able to carry us through every obstacle and difficulty."- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

These are beautiful words that are hard to recall when we are in a moment of struggle. Some times we share this struggle with loved ones and friends, some times we just keep it within and share it with no one. Or we could just share the pain with God, he knows about pain, he knows about suffering, and he knows about mercy. Some prayers I like to pray in times of despair are The Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary. Both are beautiful and can be very emotional.

"Praise to you, saving sacrifice, offered on the wood of the cross for me and for all mankind. Praise to the noble and precious blood, flowing from the wounds of my crucified Lord Jesus Christ and washing away the sins of the whole world. Remember, Lord, your creature, whom you have redeemed with your blood; I repent my sins, and I long to put right what I have done."
- St. Ambrose

A beautiful document on the  Rosary, Apostolic Letter, Rosarium Virginis Mariae, from St. Pope John Paul II can be read online.  Mary's love for Jesus is unparalleled, something that is so apparent this time of year.

I also love this prayer, by St. Francis. It is beautiful to remember when we are feeling out of sorts, it can help us to have direction in our life when we are lost.

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy. 
O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

Last but not least, another beautiful prayer, Veni Creator. Come Holy Ghost in our times of need, strengthen us to make it through whatever lies in our path that day.

Come, Holy Spirit, Creator blest,
and in our souls take up Thy rest; come with Thy grace and heavenly aid to fill the hearts which Thou hast made. O comforter, to Thee we cry,
O heavenly gift of God Most High,
O fount of life and fire of love,
and sweet anointing from above.

Thou in Thy sevenfold gifts are known;
Thou, finger of God's hand we own;
Thou, promise of the Father,
Thou Who dost the tongue with power imbue. Kindle our sense from above,
and make our hearts o'erflow with love;
with patience firm and virtue high
the weakness of our flesh supply.
Far from us drive the foe we dread,
and grant us Thy peace instead;
so shall we not, with Thee for guide,
turn from the path of life aside.
Oh, may Thy grace on us bestow
the Father and the Son to know;
and Thee, through endless times confessed,
of both the eternal Spirit blest.
Now to the Father and the Son,
Who rose from death, be glory given,
with Thou, O Holy Comforter,
henceforth by all in earth and heaven. Amen.

No matter what happens in our lives, know that God has a plan. It may not be our plan, it may not be a plan we even like, but He has a plan for our lives. One that leads us closer to Him. Do not turn away, do not worry, just find the strength to keep on going forward. Even as I type these words, they are easier to type than to follow, but I pray for all of you to Never Give Up. Peace be with you.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Nude for no reason

I find it comical that many "stars" get all upset when their personal photos are hacked into on the "Cloud" and tweeted, but then there's KK...she says no, let me show you how to be naked!  Bam. Her naked body is being spread all over the internet, and she's got her fifteen minutes of fame again. Why? Why do we have to have this image burned into our retinas? First it was bad enough with her rear being exposed, then you have another female comedian doing the same...still need your fame much? Were you feeling too forgotten? Nobody wants to see that! Well when I say nobody I mean people who have stuff to do in their lives, not those caught up on every world of social media or crappy TV stations. Get over yourselves. I cannot think of why you think it's awesome to have so many unknown people gawking over your photos?Does it make you feel better? Do you think you are really that awesome? Many people are just laughing at your stupidity, have some respect.

Oh Charity, you are so funny, these photos show how empowering KK is...anybody should be able to be naked anytime they want. Wrong. There is a time and a place to be naked, in your bedroom with your husband, sounds like a fine time. On the internet for the world to see, beeeeeppppp wrong.
Maybe you aren't concerned with what people like me think, and that's fine, I don't really care about any of your thoughts because I'm pretty sure they only revolve around yourself. What about your daughter? She's little now, but what about when she's older? Are you showing her when she's a married woman it's okay to take off her clothes and expose her body to the world? Are you teaching her the sacredness of her body? How it is a beautiful gift for her husband one day? What do you think she's going to say when she's a teenager and every teenage boy can Google and find you naked online????  Hmmm?

If you want to be empowering then show your daughter traits such as empathy, kindness, understanding, compassion, love, respect. Teach her to respect her body, to love herself, and to stand tall in a cruel world. Maybe you are hoping she can have her own TV show, why? Does everybody really need to be involved in every aspect of a child's life? Nope. We do not need to be involved in your life either, feel free to live it privately.

Again it seems like we are wrapped up in a world of I, me, and wants. I want what I want when I want cares for anybody else in the world. What is the legacy we are really leaving our children? What is the message for them? Just take your clothes off so everybody can look. Please don't have any modesty, that's such a prude value. Shaking my head. Then we wonder why kids are running around in tiny shreds of clothing without a care in the world. As parents, we, must teach them to respect themselves, to take care of their bodies, to know how sacred the body is, and that it is a gift to be shared with their husband/wife one day.

Peace be with you.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

World Kindness Day

November 13 is World Kindness Day. According to, World Kindness Day began in 1997, when humanitarian groups came together to celebrate a "Declaration of Kindness". We should be kind every day, however, some people may need a little extra to get them there, like this great idea of kindness towards everybody. John 13:34 "I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another". Here are some ways I think we could show each other we can show each other we love one another, through kindness.

1. Pray

Pray today for your family, your friends, loved ones. Pray for those you do not know, or may never meet. Pray for peace in war torn countries, pray for the end of violence. Pray for life to be celebrated, kept sacred, and honored. Pray for the sick, ailing, the forgotten. Pray for those who have departed this life, that they may find Glory in the next. Pray for people you do not care for, whom you don't feel you could share a cup of coffee with, pray for them too. Everybody needs prayers.

2. Donate

What's the greatest nation? Donation! Even my boys know that when I say it. Donate something you haven't used in a long while that may help out someone in need. Donate your time, volunteer if you can, even if it's on your lunch break. Give a coffee to homeless person on the street, bring them a jacket or a blanket, maybe a new pair of shoes. Or give them the 4 dollars you have on hand, and pray that it brings them nourishment and comfort. Go online to your favorite organization and be charitable, donation is good for the heart.

3. Help some one out

Hold the door for somebody coming in behind you, or leaving in front of you. Oh wait, this falls under common courtesy, but the practice seems to be falling by the wayside. See someone struggling to push their grocery cart, because there are two screaming kids, ask if you can help them out. Or let some one go in front of you, reach for a can they cannot reach, etc. Today we do not like to ask people if we can help them out, nor do we accept the kindness of a stranger, but all it takes is a little effort.

4. Phone a friend

Been ages since you talked to Susie? No worries, she's still a person, she's still the friend you once knew, it's just been a few months...errr....years. Give her/him a call. See how they are doing. Don't just send a Facebook chat message (because not all of us have it downloaded and no we are not doing it). Pick up the phone and call. Doesn't answer, no worries, leave a voice mail. You can call anyone and just see how they are doing, they may be shocked!

5. Write a letter

What's a letter? That's what these younger kids are saying, along with who does that. Oh must just be the old people! Nope, letters are awesome. I miss letters. I still write them from time to time, and I send cards frequently. It is always nice to have a letter, handwritten, typed, whatever your preference is. It shows people you took the time out of your day to sit down and write just to them. Sure, sure you could write an email, and it could send instantly, and it could bring a smile, but nothing like when you receive a letter in the mail.

6. Give forgiveness

It is never too late (or too early) to give forgiveness. I know, some times it is hard, some times it is unappreciated, but do not worry over that. Just do it! Forgiveness not only helps you, it helps them. You do not even need to tell the person, you do not need to shout it out on social media, you just need to pull deep down into your heart and forgive.

7. Listen

Did you hear that? Listen, just listen. Do not listen with the intent of speaking back or answering. Just open your ears, your heart, your mind, and listen to what some one has to say. Seems like common sense, but it's actually hard to do. We want to be heard so often now, that we forget to listen so others can be heard. If your mom calls today (one be thankful, because not everyone gets that privilege anymore), listen to what she rants on about, just to let her be heard.

8. Don't pass it up, pick it up

Yep, you can probably go out into your neighborhood and pick up some trash. Put some gloves on first, but you can do it. We all live on the same planet, and we should be kind to it too. Not just trash it like we have somewhere else to go!

9. Smile

A smile goes a long way! A smile can be contagious too! A smile and a simple greeting could change someone's day, or even their mood. I smile at people, some times it surprises them, often they smile back or provide a greeting. There are times when you get ignored, but not to worry, they just need a prayer. So go out today and show your pearly whites with a big grin, yes people may think you're a wee bit looney, but aren't we all :D

So these are just some ways I've thought of that we could be kind during World Kindness Day. Please let me know of any others you come up with, or acts you do for your part!  Peace be with you.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Ring size...does it really matter?

When I say ring size, I do not mean the size band needed to fit on your pretty little finger. No, I mean size as in bling, big diamonds, enough to blind someone who is catching a glance. It seems a lot of people are in a want state of mind, they want nice cars, big homes, fancy rings, and so on. What is it though that really matters about the ring? Through time slogans like "diamonds are a girls best friend" have appeared for excellent marketing schemes, but shouldn't your husband be your best friend? What if he cannot afford a 2 carat ring with all the side stones, does that mean he is less of a man? No, conceivably he is still the same man you were with yesterday. There are countless ads on TV for jewelers selling the most beautiful ring, heck there are even apps and websites where you, your boyfriend, mother, father, sister, best friend, cousin, neighbor, can all go and give your two cents on what the ring should look like. What if he proposed with just a gold or silver band? Would that not be enough? Would you love him any less? Would you think any less of him? Ladies, rings are nice, they are beautiful, and they can be loved, but they are just things. They are things made by someone else, bought and sold for consumers, not much more. The real love, devotion, commitment comes from the marriage. It comes from the good days and the bad, the great ones celebrated in memories time and again, and the days filled with grief. A marriage is a bond put together by God, made between you and him. Not made between the doors of a warehouse mass producing gold bands with diamond settings. I am not saying you cannot have a beautiful ring and a beautiful relationship, because I do. I have a husband who loves me, and after 5 years of marriage, I was blessed to have a beautiful ring to wear on my finger. It just comes with age that you learn the rings, the houses, the cars, the luxuries in life do not define who you are, they do not define your marriage. It is defined by the friendship, love, bond, commitment we have for each other...sealed in the presence of God.

"So then, what God has united, human beings must not divide." Mark 10:9

A ring will always be just a ring. If ever lost, your marriage would not cease, the love would not die. It is a possession, but the real love is found in the relationship.

Ladies, remember this is the love...not the rings that will make your marriage.  Peace be with you.

May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace.
May your troubles grow few as your blessings increase.
May the saddest day of your future
Be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
May your hands be forever clasped in friendship
And your hearts joined forever in love.
Your lives are very special,
God has touched you in many ways.
May his blessings rest upon you
And fill all your coming days.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

I am Pro-lifewomanmanperson

Hello, my name is Charity and I am a Pro-lifewomanmanperson. Yep, that's me! Wait a minute, people don't think you can be all those things, but oh you can. I used to subscribe to the idea of relativism, "it's not for me, but if he/she/they/it does it, well then I guess it's okay". Guess what, it's not okay. Society has all these commercials and videos to save the doggies, kitties, pandas, whales, polar bears, and whatever else, but how many commercials do we see saying "Save the baby humans"???????  I have yet to see one. Oh no, that's too controversial. Oh no, that violates my right to do what I want when I want where I want. I I I I I....a lot of Is going around these days.

I am Pro-Life

Not too long ago, a few years back, I didn't even know what abortion was. Yep, hadn't a clue. I had once (in what seems like the dark ages), heard somebody say somebody had gotten one. And I remember thinking what was it they got? Were they sick? Maybe I lived under a rock, I don't really know. I do not ever remember the topic coming up over Sunday dinner at my grandmother's house. I do not actively remember it being on the evening news either, but that's just me. So when I was in my mid-twenties and my husband mentioned to me late-term abortions, I was like a deer in headlights. What do you mean people do that? What do you mean people support that? For myself, I went to good ole Google and did a search. It was not a pretty sight, it was not something easily forgotten. The images still haunt me and make me want to cry. The relativism needs to stop. Have you seen the video of the baby moving away from the needle being put in by the abortion doctor? No, too hard to watch? It is very hard to watch, makes your stomach turn. But there are so many people out there who have no problem with it. However, if you throw a puppy into an icy river, the video goes viral, people want your head, they want you burned at the stake! Why is that? I haven't come up with any answer except people do not want to really acknowledge what happens in an abortion. Today society teaches that babies are burdens. They are bothersome, costly, they ruin your life, they take away your dreams, they are the destroyers of all that is good. What? Since when has something so cute and precious, a gift from God been a destroyer? It is us, we are the destroyers. We are they ones saying "you can't" or "you won't" or "kiss that life good bye". We are the teachers of these ideals, not the babies. Will life be hard, yes; will life change, yes; will there be times where you cry, yes; but there is no greater gift than the gift of life. Can't provide that precious gift of life a good quality life right now? No worries, there is this beautiful program called adoption. Adoption lets you work with an agency to place your child in a home that will care and nurture them until they are an adult. Oh no Charity, that would be too painful. Not as painful as a doctor ripping your arms and legs off one by one out of your mother's womb, not even close.

I am Pro-Woman

Silly girl, you aren't pro-woman if you do not support a woman's right to choose. NO, I am pro-woman because I choose to support women. I support them in finding resources necessary, I support them in finding medical care, adoption services (if necessary), counseling, financial support, or just a shoulder to lean on. Yes, I am pro-woman. I would like to see more women taught information about their cycles, ovulation, and physical changes they go through each month. Wait a minute, what do you mean? We can learn this information? Why yes, yes you can. There are many resources available either in print or on the web regarding a woman's fertility. Shhhhh people don't like to talk about this stuff. How could I speak to my husband/boyfriend/significant other about "that time of the month"?  They don't want to know or hear about it...well then I suggest you tell them to put their big boy pants on and pull up a seat. <Insert gasp and shocked face> There would definitely be the people who would never want to have that discussion. I do not know why they wouldn't, we are talking about one of the most beautiful and intimate parts of a woman's body. Not talking about what is just displayed on the TV as "sexy" or "beautiful". This really is the feminine genius people!

Learn about your fertility here:  or here:

People like to argue well what about rape, what if she is raped and then subsequently gets pregnant. Which I am not denying could happen given the time of ovulation, however, regardless we still need to be pro-woman in this type of situation. I am not going to sit back and judge a woman who was sexually assaulted for what she feels best to do, but I will pray for her healing. One thought I have on this very touchy subject, is a subsequent, painful abortion, will not ever put the woman back together. There is no amount of surgery that will replace what has been taken. As a community all we can do is offer support.

Find support here for after rape/sexual assault:

I am Pro-Man

Play screeching sound....what???? What is pro-man? Two people create a life, a man and a woman. Does not matter what you change in science to make that different sperm from a man and an egg from a woman will combine to make another human being. Yep, right that down, because there seems to be some confusion on that now a days. Men are the other half of the creator during conception. Shocking to think they should have a say so in the newly created life. Oh no, I'm being silly again. Why should me know what has happened? This is their body, they don't have to carry the baby...oh I'll just tell them later, they won't care. WRONG. They do care! They do feel the pain of an abortion, they do grieve. Do you think they suffer any less? No, I certainly don't. They will never feel the baby from the inside like women do, but that does not mean they are any less a creator of life. They too deserve a choice.  Now don't get all in a huff regarding a person who was sexually assaulted by a man, and then why should they get a choice, I am not saying that. I think people (yes, woman can be perpetrators too) should all be punished at the full extent of the law, and no I quite frankly am not concerned with their wanting to see the child, but that is beyond my scope, this is just my opinion on being pro-man in a the dealings of a newly created child.

Support for men after abortion here:  or here:

I am Pro-Person

Yep, I am pro-person with disabilities or without disabilities. I am pro you should give life a chance because sometimes doctors are wrong. I believe in science, I believe it can be a great tool for helping people, but I also believe it can be wrong. Science cannot prove everything, that is why we have Faith. Faith and science can work together, did you know that? What science can't prove, faith often times can! Just because we are not all "perfect" we are not a "defect". Show me one person who is without flaw...where are they? God created us all to be different, all to be with a different person. How boring would life be if we were all just cookie cutouts of each other? No variety, nobody else to help out, or hope for, or pray for? We all just lived exactly to be 80 years old, no frills, nothing, just normal, perfect, people. That would be a crazy parallel of life now! We would lack creativity, ingenuity, challenges, grace, thankfulness; they would all be gone.

Information for adoption can be found here:
Parent support for children with disabilities can be found here:

Stop the relativism and start speaking up with those without a voice. Protect life. Defend life. We should all have a right to life. Peace be with you. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Do you know your purpose?

Have you ever thought about your purpose? Why you are even here? Why you are the person you are and not somebody else? What is the purpose of life? All great questions, all worth considering or reflecting on from time to time. I have a purpose, I know I have a purpose, though I may not always understand what that purpose is exactly, I know I have a purpose. Where can you find your purpose? For me I have found my purpose in God. From God I can I find purpose in many other things in my life, like my husband, my sons, my family and friends, my community. God gave me a voice that I try to use in His glory for others who cannot speak. If you are a non-believer then where does your purpose come from? Does it stem from society? From what others want or think? From within? These are real questions that people should ask themselves.  Maybe you don't have a purpose or instead you just have a dream. What is that dream, where did it come from? What happens if you do not fulfill your dream? Do you begin to feel let down? Dreams come and go, they change, but you know what doesn't change?? That's right, God doesn't change.

In my life, I was not always walking down the path I am now. Nope, it's true, I'm a sinner. I've been a failure, I've been hurtful, I've been disliked and even hated (yikes, hard to admit), I've been unfriended (whoa), and I've always just tried to be me. In my life before, I wouldn't say I was just a wanderer, but I don't know where I thought I was going. I had goals and dreams, but those changed from day to day or year to year, and there was no real fulfillment in my life. I was a pretty heavy drinker for many years, but you know what, there were never any answers in any of those bottles. Life never got better after a night of drinking, it just stayed the same. But it all brought me to where I am now, and with those experiences, to the find my purpose in life.

If we aren't living a life for the greater good or for the Glory, then who are we living it for? What is it we really value? In today's society it seems more and more emphasis is being placed on bigger, better, faster material items. People wait outside for hours for a new phone, but they cannot be bothered to help others an hour a week serving meals at a homeless shelter or donating their time to another good cause. People are more apt to watch videos online and judge others than to pray about their own shortcomings. "Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you. Why do you notice the splinter  in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye?" Matthew 7: 1-4.

We need to each know our purpose. We need to help each other out, and we need to see the greater good in society. For if you do not know what your purpose is in this life, how will you know what your purpose is in the next? One way to help you find your purpose is through prayer. Not sure how to do it, no worries, there is no training. It's just a conversation between you and God. Don't give up if you feel nobody is talking back right away, you just have to keep trying. Answers will come. Remember, they may not always be the answers you are looking for right away, but they will come. Let go, and let God. Peace be with you. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

So tell me, do you vote?

Today's the day for voting! All across the country people will cast their votes for mid-term elections. There has been lots of hype regarding this election, including many hypothetical situations on what will happen. Where there be change? Will the people's voice be heard? Who will control the Senate?!? So much lies on what happens today, or does it? I for one have already exercised my right to vote, and I did it early, which is allowed here in my state. The day I voted one of the polling clerks excitedly stated there had been over 500 voters the previous day, and 300 on that day (this was 1pm). The real question in my mind is "will anything ever change?".  We go to vote with high hopes that our vote will change the current state of our elected officials, that maybe our voices will be heard and government will be "for the people". That's what it's supposed to be, right? In the Preamble it says "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish the Constitution for the United States of America." In my opinion that means that WE all should be out there today voting, if you haven't already casted your vote, or in order to be an active part of our nation's decision making.

If you are voting, the next question is, what are you voting for? Have you taken a good hard look at what is important not only for yourself, but your family, friends, community, nation? Have you researched your elected officials running for office to see how they vote? How they have impacted the community? How they will respond to handle business within the US?

Did you know that in 1920, just a couple years before my grandmother was born, women had gained the right to vote? That's not so long ago. After years of being told we could not vote, women finally could cast their vote, so go ahead cast your vote, have your voice heard. It saddens me today that when younger generations have been asked about women's suffrage, they say how terrible it is, they do not even know what terrible means. Education is the key to defeating ignorance.

I will not tell you who you should vote for, or what side of any issue you should stand on, because that is not my business. I will continue to stand by and fight for what I believe is important, what fundamental rights I believe should be given, but it is not my business to ask you for whom you've casted your vote. I just ask that you take this right, which is not granted in every country, and you go out today and vote!

Here is the link to information about Women's Suffrage, just in case you want to share knowledge:

Have a great day! Peace be with you.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Why I am working on Grace

Grace, it is a beautiful word. Rolls of the tongue with such poise, however in life I have found that to be a person who exudes grace has been quite a difficult task. Merriam-Webster defines grace as a "way of moving that is smooth and attractive and that is not stiff and awkward," which makes me laugh out loud. I would never be full of grace in that manner, I have the unique ability to trip over flat sidewalk. I have even fallen while walking which leaves my husband laughing at me, asking if I was shot by a sniper. No, the grace I am working on is found farther down on MW's dictionary page. That is Grace that comes only from God. See, I have looked for it for years, wondered where it was, often tried to find in the worst places. I found that it was never in those places, no matter how hard I tried to find it. Instead, it was waiting for me, always just waiting for me to open my heart. For years I have fallen short of the mark, but that's okay, there isn't any shortage of God's grace, we just have to want it, look for it, work for it, and keep going.  Today my prayer is that we open our hearts and find the graces that are there, we appreciate them, we continue to do good works, and prayers for others to receive the graces they need to find that one true peace. A beautiful prayer for Grace from

O my God and my all, 
in Thy goodness and mercy, 
grant that before I die 
I may regain all the graces 
which I have lost through my carelessness and folly. 

Permit me to attain the degree of merit and perfection 
to which Thou didst desire to lead me, 
and which I failed by my unfaithfulness to reach. 

Mercifully grant also that others regain the graces 
which they have lost through my fault. 
This I humbly beg through the merits 
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 
and Immaculate Virgin Mary.
