Friday, December 19, 2014

Doing good, all the time.

If you read the news it is often inundated with negative stories, with gossip, with plain ole crap. Why? Is this what society craves to read, hear, live? I guess so. Every once in a while a good story creeps through into the headlines. It shines light on the good that is still going on in this chaotic world. Why can't we just have positive news hour? From 5-6pm, we just hear good stories of the day, we spread cheer and joy. Would that be too much to ask for? Do you think less people would tune in?Then from 6-7pm, you could have all the garbage you want on the news, death, drugs, abuse, celebrity gossip, how many people would watch that? Not me, I'd change the channel. That's what we have to do in life too, we have to change the channel. We have to change ourselves, our thinking, our lives to find the goodness. We should cherish that goodness too. We may need to step out of our comfort zones to do it, but it is rewarding.

This is the season of joy, love, hope, peace, and overpriced gift giving. What if you didn't give so many gifts and instead you gave your time, or your money to help other people? Would you be less of a family member, a friend, a person? No, you would be a greater person showing others that we have enough in our own lives, it is time to share our blessings with others. Where I live we have homeless people, like any other city, and I used to keep my window up. I used to think they could go to work and have jobs and find their problems. Then I realized that not all of them can, and that maybe they are doing the best they can in their lives, who am I to ever think they should change who they are for who I think they should be???  So fast forward to present day, and I help out whenever I can. Yesterday I pulled over to the gas station and noticed a man sitting on the sidewalk in the the parking lot. He was homeless, and he was just sitting there quietly, not asking for money or anything. In my car, I have been carrying around a black fleece coat to give to anybody who needs it, in the pocket was a coupon for a free Whataburger sandwich, and I had two dollars. I said a prayer that he would be accepting of my gifts, that he would know I just wanted him to get something without asking. I hopped out of my vehicle, walked over to him and said "Sir, would you like a coat?"  He looked as if he was going to cry, he said "I would darling, thank you". That was it, I gave him the coupon for food and the two dollars cash, and wished him a Merry Christmas. I prayed that the coat would provide him warmth, the food bring him nourishment, and the money, well it help him to get whatever he needs. Do I know what his needs are? No, it's not my business. Whether it buys him a bottle of water or a package of cigarettes, that's not my business. I just want to share a little bit of God's joy with others, share any grace I can in some one else's life.

I didn't write this story to be a hero, or even receive thanks, just to show that we can change. We should never look down on others and what is going on in their lives, because we are not in their lives, we do not know what their day to day struggles are. Christmas is coming, and it's not the birth of baby Jesus we are waiting for it's when He comes again. Prepare ourselves by helping others. Prepare ourselves by doing good.  Find the joy, peace, hope, love and share it this holiday season. Then keep it going through the rest of the year!  Remember things are things, they can be taken in an instant, they can be thrown away, they can be lost, but love can never be lost.

I love this song, it reminds me of His ever enduring love. Newsboys-Restart

Peace be with you.